How To Lose 10KG In 1 Month - Diet And Exercises

Here's how to lose 10 pounds in 1 month with diet and exercise. Warning: This does not involve any diet pills, running, or any other nonsense like that. You will receive a secret diet and 2 "new generation" exercises that will suck the pounds off your belly, thighs, hips, buttocks i.

How to lose 10 pounds Diet

1 Eat eggs ... as much as you want, as often as you want. Filling and packs a lot of protein. At least 4 eggs per day.

2 Eat black beans ... high in protein and fiber, 25 grams each in a can. And they are cheap. Eat a can a day. Make it whatever you want, just make sure one could disappear by the end of the day.

3 Eat apples, how many you want, as often as you want. Apples are rich in water content, and each one has 5 grams vlakana.Savršen snack. Minimum 3 apples a day.

4 The rest of the diet is up to you. As long as you follow those three rules above, I'm not too worried about the bad things you do. Now, this is not a "free pass" to screw up and eat very poorly, but do not have to be completely strict with yourself.

How to lose 10 pounds exercise

1 Spinning

No, not spinning on a stationary bike, spinning around in circles as you did as a kid. Just spin around clockwise, with arms like airplane wings. Spin it 50-20 times to get a little dizzy. It is not useful to completely dizzy.

Once you get this number run, no more meetings with the speed during the day.

It works for weight loss because it revolves endocrine system learns to be more balanced with their hormones and hormonal releases. Since it is likely to have unbalanced hormones, moving help to unlock your ability to lose weight fast because it is balanced hormones.

There are more than that, but due to limited space, I can give you all the details. No, you can get all the details of spinning by clicking on the link below to get my free 19-page report.

2 Hindu Squats

hindu squats cause massive oxygen deficit within your body. It works great for fat loss because it makes your body to rob your body fat for an instant source of energy that needs it. What you need to do is squat up and down as fast as possible, without the weight. Touch your finger tips to the ground with each repetition.

This is the best way on how to lose 10 pounds in a month with diet and exercise.

Your goal is to do 100 repetitions in less than 5 minutes.


  • Unknown says:
    June 30, 2018 at 3:51 PM

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