Specific Yoga Exercises To Lose Weight - 3 Yoga Postures To Do At Home

From the perspective of yoga, life is all about creating and maintaining balance and harmony in your life. It is a fine art and your body constantly makes minor adjustments throughout the day to keep some kind of balance and ease in your body.

more time you spend practicing yoga / meditation, the easier it becomes for your body to make these adjustments. Yoga promotes a sense of body awareness and body alignment. For example, did you ever eaten just because of diet or eat something because you believe that wasteful to throw food away? More tweaking you become with your body, it is easier for you to know when to stop eating and how to put food on your plate.

Being overweight can be attributed to physiological factors or response to treatment. However, in many cases, being overweight is due to psychological rather than physical causes. You can eat out of habit, have poor eating habits and comfort eating.

inner beauty and self-love are the basis of all yoga to lose weight programs.

greater your sense of inner beauty and appreciation of your uniqueness, it becomes easier for you to be in line with what foods to eat to strengthen and heal your body, what exercise programs are monitored on a regular basis that you make to feel better and help to tone your body and reduce body fat.

three yoga exercises are easy to make. They are provided solely to support, guide and you start feeling the benefits of yoga. I hope you will be inspired to join a regular yoga class ... Yeah!

Try and include the following three yoga exercises in your daily rutinu.Postavlja are:
* Stretch back muscles that support the abdomen, hips and waist, which increases the tone of the abdominal and pelvic organs.
* Comply and reduce unhealthy and unnecessary fat.
* Help to reduce constipation and enhance the natural and regular removal.

1 Gentle Spinal Twist
* Sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Or sit on a chair with both feet resting on the floor.
* Place one hand on his right knee.
* Extend your right arm to the side, shoulder height.
* Inhale.
* As you exhale, bend the right to bring your right arm around behind your back and rest your right hand on your left inner thigh, if you get this far.
* Look over your right shoulder. Take 3-5 rounds of deep breathing yoga, breathing deep into the stretch. Keep your shoulders and chin parallel to the floor.
* Exhale and slowly out of the pose.
Repeat the pose on the opposite side by twisting to the left.

2 Wind relieving pose
* Lie on your back.
* Hug your knees in toward your chest.
* Keep your chin slightly tucked in so that the neck is drawn out on the floor.
* Hold the position and breathe slowly and deeply. Feel your spine lengthen and breathing into the stretch. Keep your shoulders relaxed. Take 3-5 rounds of deep breathing yoga.
* Let your arms and legs, and rest on the floor. Repeat the series of 3 -5 times.

3 Inner thigh stretch
* Sit on the floor with her legs spread in a V position, as wide as is comfortable.
* Inhale and sit up straight.
* Exhale and lean forward as you slowly walk your hands out away from you, and gradually lower your chest toward the floor.
* Take 3 -5 rounds of deep breathing, yoga, enjoy a stretch, try and keep your feet flat on the floor, toes up. relax the jaw and face.
* Slowly walk your hands back up. Relax and repeat 3-5 times.
Take your time, eat well and practice these three yoga postures. During the period of, say, 3 months PF regular practice and a healthy diet, you will gradually begin to tone and lose weight.


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